
Most of the time we need to add or Remove the DNS Records for Domain connection or for Email or for any purpose. In this post, you will get to know which Record type is added for what purpose.

Common DNS Records

  • A: Indicates the IP address of the domain.
  • AAAA: IPV6 address record.
  • CNAME: Canonical name, used for making a domain alias.
  • NS: Name server, indicates which name server is authoritative for the domain.
  • TXT: Administrator record use for domain facts and verifications.
  • SRV: Service, defines the TCP service the domain operates on.
  • PTR: Pointer record, maps an IPv4 address to CNAME.
  • SOA: State of authority, stores information about when a domain was updated.
  • MX: Mail exchange, a list of mail exchange servers used for the domain.

Spam filters are designed to detect illegitimate email and they use following records to filter out spam:

  • SPF: Sender Policy Framework
  • DKIM: DomainKeys Identified Mail
  • DMARC: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance

More about Spam Filter Records:

SPF Record: Confirms this IP address is allowed to send mail on behalf of this_company (or Domain).

There are three responses: Accept, Reject, and Accept but send to spam.

DKIM Record: Checks your digital signature against the sending server. (A sender creates the DKIM by “signing” the email with a digital signature. This “signature” is located in the message’s header. The sending mail transfer agent (MTA) generates the signature by using an algorithm applied to the content of the signed fields. This algorithm creates a unique string of characters or a “hash value.”) To read more about DKIM Record visit emailonacid.com

DMARC Record: Checks whether SPF and DKIM pass? Let’s run through our policies that tell us what to do if the email is accepted or rejected.”

To read more about Email DNS Records visit to godaddy.com

DNS Records are complex to understand for beginners, hope this help you start with DNS Records.

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