
If you know what is Linux? then you will also know that, to become the Linux Expert you should have the knowledge of terminal/command line. In this post, we will learn the utmost basic commands, which are must to know for every Linux beginner.

Following are the commands with their meanings:

  • ls – Displays a list of files in the current working directory
  • cd – Change directories
  • passwd – Change the password for the current user
  • file filename – Display file type of file with name filename
  • cat filename – Shows the content of textfile on the screen
  • pwd – Display present working directory
  • exit or logout – To leave current session
  • man command – To read manual pages of specific command
  • info command – To read Info pages on command

Command Meaning
ls , like the dir command in
file filename display file type of file with name filename
cat textfile throws content of textfile on the screen
pwd display present working directory
exit or logout leave this session
man command read man pages on command
info command read Info pages on command
apropos string search the whatis database for strings

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