
GIT – Developed by Linus Torvalds
Source code management tool
Git is a Distributed Version control system

Q. What are the types of Version Control Systems?

  1. Central Version Control System
  2. Distributed Version Control System

Working directory is nothing but a Folder where Source Code is stored.

To convert folder to working directory,
$ Git init

To configure user and email to git,
$ git config user.name "Machindra"
$ git config user.email "user@gmail.com"

To configure globally user and email to git,
$ git config --global user.name "Machindra"
$ git config --global user.email "user@gmail"

There are 3 types of files in git,
1. Untracked files – by default file status is untracked
2. Staged files – Before commit
3. Committed files – After Commit

To check status of files in git,
$ Git status

To add 1 file to staging,
$ git add fileName

To add all files to staging,
$ git add .

To remove files from staging to untracked,
$ git rm --cached fileName

To Commit staged files,
$ git commit -m "My commit message"

To see list of commits,
$ git log

To check commits in one line,
$ git log --oneline

To create new branch,
$ git branch branchname

To check list of branches,
$ git branch

To change the working branch,
$ git checkout branchName

To merge branch with master branch, – to merge any branch you’ll be in master branch first
$ git merge branchName

REBASE => is fast forward of merge
To rebase you’ll be on respected branch
$ git rebase master

Then go to Master Branch,
$ git checkout master

Then merge that branch to master branch,
$ git merge branchName

To rearrange the commit order/place

We can’t change order/place of First/head Commit

$ git rebase -i HEAD~(remaining_commits)
Ex. $ git rebase -i HEAD~4 [where n=total commits, n-1=4 ]

After this command you’ll be in one file, where you can change the order of commits

We can’t remove first commit

$ git rebase Head~4

Replace the word pick with squash in file , i=insert and save the rebase file

$ git log --oneline

To merge selected commits with master branch, got to master branch and then hit command,
$ git cherry-pick commit-id commit-id
Ex. $ git cherry-pick d6ertc f45gtr4

git stash ( keeping something secret or hidden – if some work is unfinished we can keep that files hidden from user, so git cannot access it)

To stash the stagged files
$ git stash

To stash staged & untracked files
$ git stash -u

To see the list of stashes
$ git stash list

To get back the stashed files
$ git stash pop

To bring the older stash out
$ git stash pop stash@{stash_number}

Git Ammend – meaning to override

To ammend one commit to another commit, if we have made a small change in file and we don’t have to create new commit then,
$ git commit --amend -m "commitName in which i want to amend this commit"

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