  1. What is Linux?
  2. What is the difference between UNIX and LINUX?
  3. What is BASH?
  4. What is Linux Kernal?
  5. What is LILO?
  6. What is a Swap Space?
  7. What are the advantages of Open Source?
  8. What are the basic components of Linux?
  9. Does it help for a Linux System to have multiple desktop environments installed?
  10. What is the basic difference between BASH and DOS?
  11. What is the importance of the GNU project?
  12. Describe the root account?
  13. What is CLI?
  14. What is GUI?
  15. How to open command prompt issuing a command?
  16. How to find out how much memory Linux is using?
  17. What is the typical size of a swap partition under a Linux System?
  18. What are symbolic links?
  19. What is the use of the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination in Linux?
  20. How do you change permissions in Linux?
  21. How drives such as hard drives/floppy drives are represented in Linux?
  22. How do you refer to the parallel port where devices such as printers are connected?
  23. In Linux, what names are assigned to the different serial ports?
  24. How do you access partitions under Linux?
  25. What are hard links?
  26. what is the maximum length for a filename in Linux?
  27. What are the filenames that are preceded by a dot?
  28. Explain Virtual Desktop?
  29. How do you share a program across different virtual desktops under Linux?
  30. What does nameless (empty) directory represent?
  31. What is the pwd command?
  32. What are daemons?
  33. How do you switch from one desktop environment to another, such as switching from KDE to Gnome?
  34. What are the types of permissions in Linux?
  35. How does case sensitivity affect the way you use commands?
  36. What are the environmental variables?
  37. What are the different modes when using vi editor?
  38. Is it possible to use the shortcut for a long pathname?
  39. What is redirection?
  40. What is grep command?
  41. What could possibly be the problem when a command that was issued gave a different result from last time it was used?
  42. What are the contents in /usr/local?
  43. How to terminate an ongoing process?
  44. How to insert comments in the command line prompt?
  45. What is command grouping and how it works?

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