
Vim Editor is text based programmers editor in Linux.

$sudo vim <filename> ( To open file with Vim Editor, if that file is not available, vim editor will create new file with that name)

I => Enables Insert Mode

 Esc:w => Will save the entered text

Esc:q   => Will quit the file

Esc:q!  => Forcefully quits the file

Esc:wq  => Write & quit at the same time (Save & Close)

Esc:o   =>  Insert & Enter

Esc Shift+g  => Go to last line

Esc gg  => Will go to first line

Esc:15 Will go to line no 15

Esc:  /student  => Will search the string student ; You can press n/N for next result

Esc yy  =>  To copy a specific line (Take your cursor to the line that you want to copy and press “Esc button” and “yy” to copy that line.

Esc dd  =>  To delete a specific line

Esc p  =>  To paste the copied line

Esc cc  => To cut a specific line

Esc 4 yy  => Will copy 4 lines

Esc 5 dd  => Will delete 5 lines

Esc 5 cc  => Will cut 5 lines

Esc u  => To undo

I hope it will understood to beginner Linux users, if anything not understood, feel free to ask your questions in comments.

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